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An (Official) Introduction to Marc with a C

Recently I wrote about how an artist called Marc with a C was crowd-sourcing the track list for his new album, an album intended as an introduction to his music for newcomers.

Go Download it on Bandcamp!

Go Download it on Bandcamp!

The day has finally come. The crowd has spoken and the album is released today—titled, fittingly enough, “An Introduction to Marc with a C”.

I’m not bitter that the final track choices do not match my own. As usual, the crowd has produced finer results than any one of its members. Here are a few highlights—some I chose, and a few unexpected gems…


A Brief Introduction to Marc With a C

There are only a few artists I totally fanboy out for, and Marc With a C is one of them.

He recently solicited suggestions for a new “Meet Marc” song compilation and I threw together a playlist and decided what my top tracks would be…

1. Motherfuckers Be Bullshittin’

I love to play this one for the opening line:

“When it all gets too much that’s when I need a reminder that it’s all a test
(if it’s all a test).”

… and all the other tinfoil-hat skeptic lyrics which follow.

A New Life for Music in the Church (Part Three)

This is part three in a series of posts on music in the Catholic Church. Part one covered my background and experience of Church music growing up and part two looked at the modern “happy clappy” style of church music.

Last time I was fairly critical of the upbeat poppy style of church music which sometimes seems like the only alternative to dirge-like traditional hymns, acknowledging that it’s a style of music which certainly appeals to some people but just doesn’t jibe well with my notion of what music should bring to the mass.

I wanted to add a corollary to that, however, which will then lead on some more positive posts on musical options in the modern church.

Everything in moderation

On the pilgrimage I took part in this summer there was a terrific music group, organised by one of the nuns who was with us (who, I might add, were a far cry from the black-and-white picture of a nun you might have in your head! Another eye-opening part of the trip for me…)

They led the music at the Westminster group services we had during the week. Some of these were masses in local churches, others were simple informal gatherings for prayer. The music was guitar led, with various simple rhythmic ‘shaker’ instruments among other members of the group. If you’ve read my previous post, you won’t be surprised to hear I was slightly apprehensive to see what the music would be like!
